My Daily Dose

Quote of the Day

Saturday, April 07, 2007

So, how do I look?

I thought about changing this blog's look so many times. I finally did.

I knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park, it wasn't! I made a mess of things and it took me most of Good Friday to make it look, well, this way. I'm not doing that again unless Blogger makes it as easy as changing shirts. I do like how it turned out though.

A huge THANK YOU goes to Blog U and to Jim!
I wouldn't of made it through this happy ordeal without their useful blog.


bizwhiz said...

Hi. Just popping by. You've got some nice ideas in your articles which I can learn from. And your penguin is real cute. Great job.

JaN said...

Hey, thanks for your quotes script, it's so cool! Thank you also for dropping by!