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Friday, September 29, 2006

An Article About Website Promotion: READ

Article Submissions- The Quickest and Most Cost-Efficient Way To Promote Your Website
Author: Gloria Smith

Websites are all about information. There is a website for almost anything you can think of or imagine. News sites are aplenty and so are technology centered websites catering to the techie in all of us. Just the other day I stumbled upon a website that taught its visitors how to take game consoles apart the correct way (with the proper disclaimer of course). The text was very accurate and complete in that the step-by-step process were guided with images and detailed specifications. This would have been very useful if I wanted to take my Playstation 2 apart either to fix it or make some modifications. Sadly, not all websites are created equal. Some are better than others in terms of content, aesthetics and overall coolness.

So if you are the webmaster of one cool and exceptionally useful site, you have got to let the world know of your site’s existence. I mean, it would be a crime not to. Right? If your reason for having the site is monetary, the mantra of “more traffic equals more commerce” is very appropriate here. If you put up the site for non-monetary reasons, you would still pine for more traffic if only for awareness and appreciation causes. So what do you do other than employ the usual word of mouth promotions to friends and colleagues? Instead of annoying people with your constant physical advertising campaign, why not have a go with a tried and tested method. I am talking about link building. One way of doing this is through article submissions. This approach involves two steps. The first step is having an original article concerning the subject matter or focus of your site. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy but it should be relevant and center on keywords that pertains to the subject of your website. The second step is the tedious labor-intensive process of giving away your original article. Why and how should you give it away you ask?

Why do we usually give something away? It’s to get something in return. In this case, we want links back to our website. Let’s say someone with a website takes a liking to your article. He/she uses it on his site that includes a link back to your site and someone else who visits that site sees your article and link and puts it on his/her site and so on. That’s basically how it works. Now onto how you’ll go about giving away your article in the fastest most effective way possible. Remember I mentioned tedious earlier? If you’re up to registering and signing up then you’ll have fun doing this but most people would rather have other people do it for them. There are hundreds of sites that pool articles according to category and detail types readying them for use. They’re either in text or html format for easier download and website integration. Visiting each one to sign-up and submit your article would be fine if you are not busy with other aspects of running a website. Outsourcing this task would be a more cost-effective way of doing this.

Noticing an increase in your number of hits will just be the beginning, as the article submission method will take your site to new heights.

About the Author:
This is article is brought to you by Gloria Smith at Created by a former, licensed Real Estate Agent, was designed to offer instant access to the most sought after type of real estate forms. For the cost of what others charge for one real estate contract, you can have instant access to over 60 downloadable real estate forms. You can find all these real esate contract forms at:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Learning How To Create The Ultimate Blog

If you don't have any idea what blogs are or if you're new to the wonderful world of blogging, read up...

Learning How To Create The Ultimate Blog - By: Tom Takihi

One wonders where all that pent-up rage, radical views, strong opinions and peculiar beliefs would be deposited without blogs. For some people, blogging offers a cathartic experience in that they are able to write about who or what is troubling them. Yet for others, by simply being able to put an idea out there is help enough for their egos and self-esteem. Writing in a blog would definitely be much cheaper than a session with an overpriced shrink. Entrepreneurs, newsmakers, tech tutors and a whole lot of others also employ the use of blogs for profit or for up to date information. There are numerous reasons for putting up and maintaining a blog but all of them have one common goal, how to get your thoughts across clearly and effectively.

Blog 101’s are as ubiquitous as blogs themselves in the Internet. The obvious way to go here is to look for an excellent site that will be able to deliver the goods on creating and keeping up a blog. These sites offer guides, tips, how-tos and even some useful tools that will help you in the wonderful world of blogging. The topic commonly discussed initially is finding a home for your blog or the seemingly thankless job of looking for a host, free or otherwise. You might think that it’s easy enough to look for a host, google “blog host” and you’ll see that it’s not as painless as it appears. The wealth of choices available simply overwhelms the soon to be blogger. Now, let’s say you finally found a suitable home for your blog, the next challenge that you need to hurdle would most likely be the design. If you build an attractive and well-arranged blog, then they’ll most certainly come. Most blog hosts have built-in tools that will help you with that but the myriad “ready-to-wear” designs will almost certainly baffle the unversed. Blog tutorials have simple yet useful guides about designing blogs that includes topics ranging from text positioning to color schemes. Now comes the best part, content. A truly good blog tutorial site will stand out from other pretenders when it’s able to supply bloggers with relevant information concerning content. Ideas on where to get content are very crucial. The only way you are going to get considerable amount of traffic in your blog is if people are INTERESTED in it. Your content plays a very critical role in your blog’s success, it is the lifeblood of every single blog out there. If you keep good content flowing steady and fresh, that can only stand to help your blog achieve a level of greatness. Tips on the finer points of increasing traffic for your blog are very abundant in the tutorials. Be sure to take heed because dealing with keywords and search engines will be a joyful task if done properly and with decent supervision.

Bottom line is that blog tutorials are essential partners in your blog making travels because they serve as competent and experienced guides. Up until such time that you get your blogging legs true and steady, I recommend not letting go of these sites.

Tom Takihi is the proud owner – a site that gives you daily tips on how to create a popular and profitable blog.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Electronic Windows to Our Soul

Another interesting read...

Free Blogs: Electronic Windows to Our Soul

By Tom Takihi

It is often said that the eyes are the windows to our soul. The interpretation of that saying would depend on people’s point of views but for me, this is because how we perceive or see things through our eyes often conveys who we are. True or not, I’ll leave that to the pundits of human behavior. What I do know is that there are other portholes into our soul. In this day of stem cell research, mobile phones, computers and the internet, I say that blogs are the new windows to our soul.

Web logs are all the rage these days that we see them popping up by the hundreds every few hours. Commonly known as blogs, these online journals give their authors a stage where they are the central character in a theatrical piece rivaling that of a Shakespearean play. The drama, adventures, misadventures, hobbies and dreary day-to-day happenings are the usual subjects of a personal log. The author’s thoughts, ideas, concepts and opinions on anything that strikes his or her fancy would be the object of an entry. Fiery comments and views are common logs to anybody who has a blog. It does serve a cathartic function for many, providing a very economical and accessible means to blow off some steam rather than hurling inanimate objects or visiting a shrink. In the process of reading someone’s blog, we get a glimpse of who or what the author is all about. More importantly, for people who do maintain these internet-based diaries, a journey of self-discovery also takes place when they embark on such an excursion. You really do not know who you are until you see your thoughts in black and white or in the case of blogs, you’ll see your thoughts in any color that you want printed on a background of your choosing. Confused feelings and how you hold certain events in your life often goes unobserved. This is because when that fleeting moment of rushing emotions and sentiments has gone by, the clarity that you experienced at the time will degrade exponentially. How long before you lose the lucid thoughts depends, but “writing” it down helps very much in this situation. Leaving yourself wide open for other people to see, prod and judge takes a lot of courage. You won’t always like the comments that people leave in your entries but that is all part of having a blog.

Of course blogs aren’t just glorified diaries. It has become a staple tool in news agencies utilizing them like they would a bulletin board where they’ll have regular updates on news postings. Photo and video blogs are also numerous as various enthusiasts and other organizations discover the ease to which they could disseminate information to members.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have something that I need to get off my chest. It’s about life’s intricacies and the triviality of experiences that we all go through that make us who we are. You are welcome to read it by the way.

About the author:
Tom Takihi is the proud owner of the Bloggy Network. To sign up for your free blog, please visit:

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